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VulcansWoman Page 15

  “Shut the fuck up,” Sledge shouted, glaring at Birmon. He pulled his leg back and gave the creature a swift kick. Birmon squealed as he flew across the yard. He hit the ground and rolled, squawking as he smashed against the rocks encasing the fire pit. He instantly quieted and his body fell limp.

  “You heartless beast,” Wisteria screamed, pounding her heels into Sledge’s shins. “You hurt him! Let me go. Let. Me. Go!” she seethed.

  Vulcan clenched his fists. If Sledge was determined to kill her while Vulcan watched, what would stop him the moment Vulcan appeared? Christ, what could he do?

  He turned and signaled Zypher to take aim. Zypher was a proficient shooter and would plug a bullet between Sledge’s eyes the instant Sledge attempted to cut her throat.

  After saying a quick prayer to save Wisteria’s life and inhaling a deep breath, Vulcan bolted from the trees and charged forward. Sledge shot around, dragging her as his shield, pressing the ax blade harder against her throat.

  Vulcan halted. “You looking for me?” he hollered.

  Wisteria’s arms were hefted farther up her back. “You stole my woman.”

  “Why don’t you quit hiding behind her like a coward, and we’ll discuss it man to man.”

  “I don’t need to discuss nothing. I came to take her back, but she reeks of your stench. You’ve poisoned her with your seed.”

  The sound of galloping horse hooves closed in at Vulcan’s back. When they settled and he caught a glimpse of the tribesmen in his peripheral vision he took a step forward. “You’ve made a mistake by coming here,” he conveyed to Sledge, gazing between him and Wisteria’s neck.

  Sledge’s eyes narrowed. “You didn’t deny rutting her. You made the mistake.”

  “Then why not kill me?”

  “I’d rather you watch her die first.”

  “What makes you think I care?” Vulcan asked, daring to take one more step.

  “If you didn’t, she’d be dead by now. I ain’t nitwitted. I know what the Barbarians do to captives.”

  He wasn’t proud of that reputation until now. And by Sledge using Wisteria as a shield, it proved he’d believed every derogatory thing he’d heard. It put Wisteria’s original fears a little more into perspective. “If you have a problem with me then take it up with me,” Vulcan taunted. Why hadn’t he killed this bastard?

  “I am. By killing her. You think you can steal from me without recourse? I’m a man of pride,” Sledge growled.

  Vulcan feigned laughter. “You stand there with your clan’s enemy protecting your back, yet speak of pride. You’re a coward, to say the least.”

  “It took courage to befriend their horde.”

  “You animal,” Ivy shouted. “You let them kill my brothers and sisters and chase us from our home!”

  “Sounds as if someone struck a bargain,” Vulcan conveyed.

  “How could you?” Ivy continued. “You accused my sister of deceit and whipped her. You need”

  “Someone shut her up,” Sledge ordered, spinning halfway around to address his men.

  “I don’t advise it. Touch her, you’re dead,” Bronto warned.

  Vulcan stole a sideways glance to see Bronto poised for attack on his horse, bow loaded, arrow aimed directly at Sledge’s head.

  Just then a deafening wail barreled from the treetops, followed by heavy swooping sounds.

  “Caw. Caw.”

  A large animal dive-bombed the camp, its wingspan stretching at least thirty feet, the length of its body. The horses whinnied and reared, their hooves stomping the ground while the men tried maintaining control by yanking on the reins.

  Bodies were thrown to the ground right before the horses turned and fled. Bronto landed near Vulcan but he quickly rolled to his knees and darted toward Ivy.

  The enormous creature descended on Sledge, talons bared for flesh tearing. He ducked and spun completely around, using Wisteria as a shield. The animal spiraled upward toward the trees then it dove near Sledge again. And again. Taunting him.

  Vulcan’s heart stopped for those precious seconds when its claws hovered above Wisteria’s skin.

  Sledge shoved her forward with so much force she fell on all fours then he bolted into the forest, his men close on his heels.

  Vulcan tore after him.


  The animal swooped. Vulcan ducked as it flew past him toward the trees. Just then Wisteria jumped to her feet, dashed to Birmon and dropped to her knees. The creature diverted its path and came back, circling high above Wisteria’s head. Very carefully Wisteria lifted the creature and coddled him like an infant.


  Vulcan’s heart vaulted. He glanced at the hovering animal, anticipating its next move while it eyed his woman. Before it plunged to attack he yanked off the headpiece, tossed it aside and ran, dropping to his knees behind Wisteria. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and tugged her backward. Protecting her from the creature’s wrath, he cocooned her as close to his body as possible.

  A loud swoosh of air accompanied by a sudden breeze whipped across his back.


  Quick footsteps and screams rose in a frenzy of what Vulcan realized were his people running for their lives. The animal landed, its shadow flowing over his and Wisteria’s heads, darkening the yard. Apparently it was Birmon’s mother and she sounded pissed.

  Vulcan slowly reached for his dagger and fisted the handle. “Wisteria, I think you need to set him down. Slowly.”

  She didn’t disagree or protest while she cautiously lowered Birmon toward the ground. Before she maneuvered him past her knees, an enormous head, the replica of Birmon’s, appeared over her lap. Wisteria froze as its nose lowered to Birmon and began sniffing. Then a serpent-like tongue slithered from its mouth and began licking his entire body.

  Wisteria trembled because Birmon still lay awkwardly in her hands. One wrong move and she’d drop him. Vulcan wanted to help ease him to the ground but he wouldn’t dare move, not knowing how the creature would react.

  “Ack.” Though weakened from Sledge’s assault, Birmon began showing signs of life. His wings fluttered slightly and his eyes popped open.

  Despite Wisteria’s stiff shoulders and unwavering torso, Vulcan heard her sigh in relief.

  “Ack.” Birmon kicked his talons and rolled over, slipping from Wisteria’s hands to her lap. She didn’t move as he stretched his neck and snuggled his head against her breasts. Damn, it appeared as though the little monster grinned again.

  As his mother began stepping backward she stopped to sniff Wisteria’s hair. After a full inspection, the oversized animal pressed her snout against the back of Vulcan’s neck. He tightened his fist on the dagger, waiting for her to take a chunk out of his skin. Chunk, hell, her mouth was large enough to bite off his entire head. Inhaling a sharp breath, he held it in his lungs while she sniffed and sniffed, her cold nose reaching his flesh.

  After what appeared to be a thorough assessment of the furs draped across his shoulders and spine, she backed off and took flight toward the woods in the area Sledge disappeared. The wind-burst from her enormous wings caused loose dirt to swirl across the ground and the fire sputtered in the pit.

  “I think she trusts us with her baby,” Wisteria whispered, as if speaking too loudly may summon her back.

  “Lucky for us,” Vulcan said, assisting her to her feet by the elbow. He shot around. “We’ve got to stop that cowardly bastard. Zephyr, Trice, Rocko, approach from the west and chase them east. Bronto, Grunt, we’ll be waiting in their path.”

  When he spun around he noticed Bronto had released Ivy’s binds and he squatted beside her, massaging her wrists.

  Masculine, bloodcurdling screams echoed from deep in the forest. The distinct sound of leaves rustling and snapping branches followed, accompanied by Birmon’s mother’s angry squalls.

  Despite the inability to see within the thick evergreens and pines, Vulcan stiffened. Then he heard the familiar swooping of enormous w
ings. He glanced into the sky. The animal was ascending with a man dangling from her talons whom she’d plucked from the trees.


  The higher she flew, the more distant his screams became. He twisted side to side, kicking his feet, fighting to disengage her claws from his shoulders. Unfortunately for him, if he dropped he’d die on impact. Either way the guy was fucked. That’d teach the bastard. He deserved no less.

  “Mercy,” Wisteria murmured.

  Vulcan spun around. Her mouth dropped open and her eyes were wide and fixated on the animal. A red-and-purple scratch had surfaced on her neck from her ear to the center of her throat.

  “I hope he gets what he deserves,” Ivy said at Vulcan’s back, her voice laden with fear.

  He smirked while stepping closer to Wisteria. “He’ll get a hell of a lot more than that if the creature gets its way.” Vulcan slid his hand along the side of Wisteria’s throat and gently grazed his thumb across the scratch. Other than a slight intake of air, she didn’t flinch. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She nodded.

  “Where else did he hurt you?”


  He didn’t believe it. The dirt on her legs and face indicated she’d ended up on the ground, struggling with the bastard. It left a bad taste in Vulcan’s mouth. “Trice!” Vulcan shouted, turning slowly, searching the faces of the crowd that’d congregated in the vicinity.

  “Here, sir,” Trice responded, stepping forward.

  “You were in charge.” Vulcan took two large steps, closing the distance. “How in the hell did that thug get into this camp?”

  Ivy moved near Trice and lowered her gaze to the ground. “Don’t blame him. It’s my fault.”

  “Your fault?” Vulcan repeated, lifting her chin.

  She nodded quickly but her eyes didn’t rise.

  “Look at me and explain what happened,” he said, lowering his voice. She was shaking, her bottom lip trembled and she was drawn to tears. She already displayed a multitude of fear. He had no desire to frighten her further.

  Cautiously her gaze met his. “He followed me. I…I didn’t know. I swear. Not until he grabbed me from behind.”

  “Why were you wandering alone into Barbarian territory?”

  She gulped. “Looking for my sister.”

  “You don’t fear the Barbarians?”

  “I…I… Yes. But my sister… I missed her.”

  He knew Ivy loved her sister. She was the only person who’d come to Wisteria’s defense and begged for her life the night he’d taken her away. “I’m sure you did.” He glanced at Wisteria, where she stood watching, chewing her lower lip, then he reclaimed Ivy’s eyes. “You put both of your lives at risk.”

  “I didn’t mean to. He made me coax Wisty outside. He threatened to hurt my mom if I didn’t.”

  Wisty. He liked the intimacy of her nickname. “I won’t stand here and scold you because I believe you’ve learned your lesson about wandering alone.” He released her chin and stepped in front of Trice. “And you should consider this your lucky day.”

  Chapter Twelve

  “Wisty, can I hold him?” Ivy asked while petting Birmon’s tummy.

  Wisteria cautiously lifted the creature from her lap and handed him to Ivy. “Careful, he may still be hurt.” He’d lain in the hut for a while, cuddled near Wisteria’s tummy, but had barely moved. She knew he’d be okay because he kept peeking through his wings at her and Ivy.

  Rather than leave him alone in the hut while awaiting Vulcan’s return, she carried him outside and coddled him on her lap near the fire. She tried feeding him bits of grains and berries from her finger but he’d snubbed them and fallen back to sleep.

  Two women walked by and stopped, studying him over their shoulders. Neither came too close. Wisteria recognized the lady named Pearl but she hadn’t seen the other female before today. She had long, dark hair like Jade and was just as stunning, like soft moonlight rays. Shortly after they passed, three unfamiliar men stopped as well but they departed quickly. Not quickly enough. Wisteria felt uneasy having been approached by so many strange people all at once. She hoped they respected their leader enough not to harm her during his absence. Jade had said no one would. She needed to believe it and calm down.

  The only men she knew had ventured on foot with Vulcan to find Sledge or proof that he’d perished.

  She missed the comfort of Vulcan’s arms and couldn’t believe how much. The thoughts of his departure to Earth upset her beyond words. What would she do without him? Where could she go?

  “What is he?” Ivy asked, situating Birmon in her arms like a baby.

  Wisteria smiled adoringly at her little pet. “I’m not sure.”

  “Where did you find him?”

  “On the path to the lake. He started to hatch from the egg while I was holding it.”

  “He’s really cute.”

  “I think so too.” It appeared the rest of the tribe feared him though. Having seen his full-grown mother, they’d probably avoid him completely. Wisteria couldn’t blame them. Birmon’s mom terrified them and she’d seriously horrified Wisteria too.

  “I’m so sorry, Wisty,” Ivy said, stroking the top of Birmon’s head. “I didn’t mean to trick you earlier.”

  Wisteria laid her arm over her sister’s shoulder and pulled her to her breast. “Shhh. I know.”

  “I just wanted to find you. I swear I didn’t know Sledge was following me.”

  “Sledge is a mean, vicious man.”

  “After he captured me, he sent me alone into the Barbarian camp and waited in the background to see if they’d attack. I tried to warn you before he charged from the trees.”

  “I realized that a moment too late. Don’t worry, I understand. I’m just so happy you’re here with me.”

  Ivy inhaled a deep breath and sighed. “What about Momma? What if he escaped the creature unharmed and either kills her or lets the Flesh Eaters do it?”

  Yes, what about their mom? Who was to say he wouldn’t retaliate by taking her life? Or as Ivy suggested, release her to the cannibals? Wisteria hoped her dad was present at all times to protect Momma. If not… She shivered at the thought and squeezed her sister tighter. “How is Momma? Did she worry much?”

  “Yes,” Ivy replied, petting Birmon’s back between his wings.

  “And what about Boar and Dahlia? Did they return?”

  “No, not yet. And Momma,” Ivy took a deep breath and sighed, “feared what the Barbarians did to you.”

  “They’re not killers, Ivy. They are gentler than our people. I’ve only experienced kindness from Vulcan.”

  Ivy sat upright and locked her gaze on Wisteria’s. “Did you know Vulcan was a Barbarian the day you met him?” she asked as if needing clarification.

  “No.” Wisteria meekly smiled. “Nor did I know it was him who took me from our home so Sledge couldn’t hurt me anymore.”

  Ivy covered her mouth in surprise. “When did you discover the truth?”

  “Later that night. After I’d escaped and his tribe recaptured me.”

  “Wisty!” Ivy blurted, her eyes big and round. “You could have been killed.”

  “Vulcan wouldn’t let them hurt me. Besides, I was too frightened to care.”

  “Oh my goodness,” Ivy said aghast, slightly shaking her head. “What about Bronto? Is he a gentle man too?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t met all the tribesmen.”

  “He seemed gentle. When he rubbed my wrists and shoulders, my body grew warm and tingly.” She scooted closer to the fire and glanced over her shoulder. “And something else happened too.”

  Wisteria knew she referred to the same wetness between the thighs she’d experienced with Vulcan. Wisteria closed her eyes and inhaled a deep breath as her insides came alive with the memories but she bit the corner of her bottom lip and after a caress to her smooth legs she pushed the visions aside. Ivy needed her now. She’d lived through twenty harvests and was every bit a grown wo
man. Her body wouldn’t react any differently to a man, and Wisteria felt it her responsibility to explain. She’d not let her fall blindly into an encounter and endure unnecessary embarrassment.

  She moved to Ivy and placed her lips against the top of her sister’s head. “It’s normal, Ivy. The moisture you feel with Bronto is perfectly natural. Since Momma never explained it, I will. I found out the hard way. I don’t want you to experience the humiliation I did.”

  “So,” Ivy began, her cheeks turning pink, “what does it mean?”

  “It’s your body’s reaction to a man you’re attracted to.”

  “Is this what happens when you’re with Vulcan?”

  “Yes, but at first I thought something was wrong with my body. He made me realize it’s normal.”

  “Did he rut you?”

  Yes, but the first time he made love to her over and over and over. She inhaled softly as her belly fluttered. “He made love to me.”

  “He kissed you like Momma and Daddy kiss?”

  “Yes, that’s part of it.” Wisteria placed her hand on her sister’s cheek. “Making love means the same thing as rutting, but it’s done slower and with affection.”

  “Did it hurt?”

  “Not really.” It was sad yet heartwarming that her little sister was now exploring the actions between a man and a woman. Wisteria didn’t want to spook her, nor did she want to mislead her because she’d realized the extent of pain was dependent on the man’s actions. “For an instant, but it goes away quickly. Well, for me it did. What happens after is exciting.”

  Ivy studied Wisteria’s eyes. “I’m listening.”

  “I don’t know how to explain it.” Wisteria lowered her voice to a whisper when Jade emerged from a hut, glancing around the camp with a white garment draped over her arm. A smile brightened her features as she approached the fire. “But all this pressure builds inside you,” Wisteria continued. “Then suddenly it bursts, and waves of pleasure float through your body.”

  “So, you would do it again?”

  “Yes. I’ve fallen for him, Ivy. I thought that one day I would beg our clan to accept me, but that is not true. I’d rather stay with Vulcan.” Where she felt secure and adored, and…and happy. Sadly that option had been stripped from her. He had his own life to fulfill on Earth, where they had unusual objects and fascinating technology. What would he want with a woman who bathed in a lake and rode a two-headed snake?