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VulcansWoman Page 3

  “I know. Momma told me.”

  Ivy halted. “For furs,” she repeated in disbelief. She took a deep breath and sighed. “You’re worth more than animal hides.”

  “It’s okay,” Wisteria said calmly, tucking strands of Ivy’s long black hair behind her ears. “I understand why he’s doing it. He’s trying to provide for his family. If it will keep you warm at night, it’s worth it.”

  “You deserve better, Wisty,” Ivy said in disbelief, using the short name she’d chosen for her sister. Wisteria loved how it sounded through the softness of Ivy’s voice. “I can’t believe Daddy just gave you away. Sledge is grotesque. He’s smelly and covered in dirt. How will you ever mate with him?”

  Wisteria’s belly soured but she needed to lighten the topic. More for Ivy’s sake than her own. It wasn’t worth wasting energy on thoughts of Sledge with having no way out of the situation. Only seven days remained of her freedom and she refused to sacrifice any more time anguishing over him.

  She forced a smile and pinched her nostrils closed. “I’ll close my eyes and hold my nose.” She giggled at the nasally sound of her voice and watched as Ivy’s lips turned into a smile too.

  “Boar wants to cut Sledge’s throat and watch the life drain from his body. He’s also angry at Daddy.”

  “Really?” Wisteria knew her older brother loved her because that’s what was expected of siblings but to display disdain to their father on her behalf was seriously disrespectful.

  “Sledge wants to venture off to seek new lands and he plans on taking you with him. Boar thinks it’s unsafe for you to be alone in the wilderness.”

  Oh no. Alone. With Sledge. Far away from her mom and Ivy. It was one of the worst things that could happen. Her blood ran cold but she remained stoic for her sister’s sake. “If I’m with Sledge…” She halted when trees rustled near the path. She glanced over her shoulder just as something raced through the thick brush.

  “What was that?” Ivy squeaked, stepping closer to her sister.

  Wisteria studied the trees carefully, tuning in to her keen sense of sound. “I don’t know. Maybe a deer.”

  “It was too fast, Wisty. And too tall.”

  “Perhaps it was Boar or one of the other men.”

  Whether it was true or not, it seemed to pacify Ivy. She released a deep breath and squeezed Wisteria’s arm. “Boar doesn’t like how Sledge wanders off for days at a time to hunt. He cannot bear the thought of you being left alone. I think he may follow.”

  “I might be alone in the physical sense, but in my mind I won’t be. Come,” Wisteria said, grabbing Ivy’s hand. She led her to the fire, sat down in the dirt and yanked Ivy beside her. After a quick visual sweep of their surroundings Wisteria lowered her lips to Ivy’s ear. “I met a man at the lake today who will occupy my thoughts,” she whispered.

  Ivy’s eyes rounded. “You did?” she squeaked. “Who?”

  “His name is Vulcan. But you must keep it a secret. He’s a tribesman.”

  “Wisty, that’s dangerous! If Daddy”

  “Shhh.” Wisteria squeezed Ivy’s hand and glanced once again around the area, assuring herself no one had heard the outburst. “I may never see him again, but the pictures and sensations he bred in my mind will remain there forever.”

  “Momma sent Boar to find you. What if he saw you together?”

  “He’d not tattle on me. He still hasn’t forgiven Father for that brutal beating. He’ll not subject me to the same punishment.”

  “I wish I could be happy for you, Wisty,” Ivy conveyed, lowering her gaze to her lap. “But I’m afraid the visions of this tribesman will soon fade.”

  “I won’t allow that to happen. When Sledge is rutting me, I’ll imagine it’s Vulcan. I’ll keep him alive.”

  “But how will I keep you alive when you’re gone?”

  She patted Ivy’s cheek with her palm and smiled at the amount of love in her sister’s eyes. “I have something for you. Stay here by the fire.”

  Ivy nodded. “Hurry in case Momma calls for help.”

  Wisteria stood and hobbled quickly into the cave where she kept her jewel supplies. She knelt beside a pile of jewelry that was already adorned with intricate sparkling stones and grabbed two identical strands. They consisted of medium white stones separated by knots. They were her favorite because when held in the sunshine the white coating turned different colors.

  She folded one of each inside her hand and returned to the fire. Ivy sat hugging her knees and her eyes were red and puffy as if they’d been weeping. “Don’t cry, Ivy. You’ve no reason to be sad.”

  “What if I never see you again?”

  “I’ll not let Sledge keep me away long. I’ll find my way home if I have to.” She held out her hands and unfolded her fingers. The stones sparkled in the sunlight. “These are for us. They will keep our spirits together when we’re apart.”

  Ivy’s eyes brightened and she smiled while gazing at the stones. She reached forward and gently brushed them with her fingertips. Her lashes fluttered as she glanced at Wisteria. “They are so beautiful, Wisty.”

  Wisteria kissed one strand and then draped it around Ivy’s ankle. “Know that my love surrounds you, little sister,” she said, tying the ends with a knot. Smiling, she handed the other to Ivy.

  As Ivy lifted the stones to her lips, Wisteria’s eyes filled with tears.

  “Wisty, know this signifies my arms. You will always be in my embrace.” Ivy kissed the stones a second time before placing the strand around Wisteria’s ankle to secure it.

  Wisteria hugged her sister tighter than ever before, as if they’d never see one another again. “There will be no sad goodbyes when I leave.”

  Ivy stiffened. “Uh-oh.”

  “What is it?”

  “Here comes Sledge.”

  Wisteria wiggled free of Ivy’s arms. “I’m going to leave. If he asks, tell him I’ve fallen ill.” She climbed to her feet and limped as fast as she could toward the cave.

  “Woman, halt!” he shouted.

  She ignored him, darted into her home and sank to her knees near the wall where she slept. As desperately as she hated the thought of uniting with Sledge, she sighed in relief at her father’s decision to trade her for the hides rather than trading Ivy. Ivy wouldn’t survive Sledge’s savage actions. Though Wisteria wasn’t sure she could either. Despite him being a member of their gentle, peaceful clan, he’d shown signs of aggression and anger toward others. If things didn’t go his way he destroyed property by throwing boulders or shredding hides.

  No one tried stopping his fits of rage. Not even her father, their powerful leader. Failing to utilize his authority by punishing Sledge during those outbursts shocked Wisteria. So did the fact he’d traded her to the unsympathetic, grumpy man. Had Father truly wanted rid of her that badly? Or perhaps he’d done it for breeding purposes. But why Sledge? There were other men in the clan more suitable and to her liking who were also skilled hunters. Who needed the best hunter when he had the personality of a bear? Obviously her father hadn’t considered that either.

  But how would he have known since she never spoke to him about such things?

  She curled on her side with her back to the stone wall. She’d be safe here. Neither Sledge nor anyone not a part of their family could enter their cave without permission.

  At least she had privacy and she needed it now to adjust to the day’s events. She sighed heavily and closed her eyes, and that’s where she found comfort as visions of Vulcan emerged in her mind.

  Why had he affected her so? Their encounter was brief but much happened in that short time. How could she ever forget him and the feelings he stirred, all by one simple touch?

  Her belly squirmed and warmth settled between her thighs. She placed her hands together and slid them near her private parts, adding pressure to deaden the unfamiliar sensation. Instead a tingly feeling burst forth and spiraled from her toes to her tummy.

  Her lips parted and her eyes popped open i
n surprise. To be sure she hadn’t mistaken the feeling she added more pressure. The sensation intensified and spread beyond her belly to her breasts. They tingled and her nipples hardened. It was intrusive yet it stirred her curiosity.

  Touching herself seemed a forbidden act but she felt the need to explore her body and find the cause of that excitement. She didn’t understand what was happening but she experienced a deep ache and pleasure mixed together.

  The thrill of discovery forced her to do something she’d never done she wiggled her hand inside the leather strip of her bottom garment and slid her fingertip through the folded skin. When her fingertip rolled over a soft bud, something wicked shot to her chest.

  She gasped. She was familiar with that bud because she’d brushed flower petals against it after relieving herself but she’d never experienced what she felt now. It was tingly and intense and…wonderful. A new stream of moisture escaped from between her folds. She sucked her bottom lip between her teeth and rubbed the nub again. Sparks ignited in her blood and her belly somersaulted. As the skin around her private area swelled she rubbed her finger up and down, dragging the moisture to the sensitive bud where she rotated circles around it.

  Her breath caught and her hips jutted slightly forward. Her female parts throbbed. As pressure built, cresting in her chest and neck, sweat broke along her brow and her breathing increased. She didn’t know what she was reaching for but an underlying craving begged for more. She rubbed and circled and teased that very private place. She needed to wiggle her hips but she remained still in case someone entered the cave. Then all at once the pressure became unbearable. Something inside her exploded. She snapped her eyes shut as her insides sparked and colorful lights danced around in her head. Her bottom throbbed and her belly jerked. While feeling as if her mind had left her body, she rubbed inside her folds until the excitement turned into a pleasurable pain. She squeezed her eyes, straining her neck as she fought the urge to cry out.

  She halted her finger’s motion and inhaled sharply. A few moments later her entire body, from neck to toes, relaxed and her skin slowly meshed against the bumpy clay ground. Along with the throb fading from the inside of her thighs, her breathing returned to normal.

  What had just happened? Where had all those sensations come from? Why hadn’t she discovered them prior to today?

  She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged them tightly. Was something wrong with her? How could a body literally explode on the inside with tingly excitement?

  Reluctantly she opened her eyes and gazed at the gloomy daylight outside the cave entrance. Why hadn’t her mom explained this? It was the second physical reaction she’d experienced today that her mom neglected to speak of. She’d taught Wisteria everything about a woman’s monthly cycles to bearing children. Why not this? Had her mom never experienced it herself?

  Sighing heavily, Wisteria closed her eyes again. She couldn’t ask. She’d have to tell her mother what she’d done to provoke such feelings. She’d rather keep that her secret for now. Whatever it was, it drained her physically and made her very sleepy. She patted a yawn then placed her hands together and laid them beneath her cheek. As her lids fluttered closed, Vulcan’s face reappeared.

  Chapter Three

  “Wisty, wake up,” Ivy whispered, nudging Wisteria’s shoulder. “Daylight shines over the land. In six more days you’ll be united with Sledge. Don’t sleep the time away, sister.”

  Wisteria’s eyes popped open. She glanced at her surroundings, capturing the familiar details of the cave. She hadn’t moved nor did the damp ground keep her awake half the night as usual. Had her thoughts and dreams of Vulcan bathed her in comfort and chased away the cold? “I’ve slept that long?”

  “Yes. You didn’t eat last night so you’d better eat this morning. I boiled the grains because Momma is worrying herself sick. Boar didn’t come home last night.”

  “He didn’t?” Where could he have gone? He wandered off all the time but he’d never stayed away all night.

  “No, and no one is searching for him either. Dahlia went missing during the night. Her father Wolf thinks they’re together.”

  Boar admired Dahlia from a distance but he’d never approached her, offering a unity. Had he finally decided to take her as his mate? Wisteria hoped so. She wanted him to be happy. The right woman could rid him of his bitterness.

  Thank you, Daddy, for causing so much pain to your existing children.

  Wisteria sat up slowly and stretched her arms above her head. She’d never been so rested or relaxed. Had the effects of her secret caused this wave of contentment? If so, what she’d done to herself couldn’t be a bad thing.

  “Are you all right, Wisty? You’re very quiet. Do you feel okay?”

  “Yes, I’m okay.” Wisteria stood and adjusted her garments. “I’ll eat with you after I visit the relief shanty.”

  “Then hurry. I’m hungry.”

  Wisteria strode from the cave and headed toward the shanty, kicking pebbles aside. Her foot no longer hurt but the scratch on her thigh was crusted with dried blood. She probably broke it open during the night or when her hips jolted the ground as she’d massaged her private parts.

  She grinned while she plucked a couple petals from the bright-pink flower bush near the entrance then pushed the pelt aside to enter. Daylight sliced through the top of the stone structure where it was completely open to treetops and the sky. As she squatted over the fluid basin she tilted her face upward and absorbed the warm air on her face. Oddly she felt different. Tranquil. Not as rushed or anxious to start her morning chores. Despite not wanting to dawdle too long in case her mom already started sewing, she stalled.

  Having left everything behind when the flesh-eating tribe attacked, they had to make new clothing from scratch. She didn’t mind helping but it interfered with her jewelry craft. Her fingers were often too sore and swollen from forcing the needle through the animal hides, which prevented her from working with her intricate stones.

  After she finished relieving herself she wiped dry with the flower petal. The instant she brushed it against the sensitive nub inside her womanly folds, a jolt of excitement raced along her spine. It was intense. More so than yesterday and she rubbed it again. Her breath caught. She chewed her lower lip as she dropped the leaf into the basin then traced circles around the hidden nub with her fingertip.

  She closed her eyes. Slowly her hips fell into the same rotation. Then they picked up speed to keep in pace with her finger. Tiny sparks danced in her tummy, branching to her chest. Her legs trembled and she laid her free hand on the wooden wall to prevent herself from falling. Sweat dampened her skin as she rubbed harder, chasing the exciting sensation just within reach. The flesh beneath her finger swelled and throbbed. With each swipe it appeared more sensitive and alive. She shivered and tilted her head farther back.

  With the air caressing her face and the breathtaking pressure building throughout her body, she slightly moaned. She had to. The sensation was unbearable. She needed to burst. As she quickly rubbed to bring on the wonderful sensations, something slapped the outside shanty wall.

  “What are you doing in there, woman?”


  Wisteria’s eyes flew open. With her heartbeat drumming in her chest and ears she straightened and quickly pulled her lower garment over her hips. “What do you think I’m doing in here?” she snapped. She smelled the stench of decaying animals before she even threw the flap aside and stomped out. “What nerve you have, disturbing a woman’s privacy.”

  She nearly retched as he reached for her throat but instinctively she smacked his hand aside. “My father will bludgeon you if you touch my bare skin.”

  “Your father has given you to me. Have you not been told?”

  “Yes, I’m aware, but you’re not at liberty to fondle me in any way before our unity.” She couldn’t imagine ever lying beneath this beast. If she had the urge to retch just standing beside him, how would she react while he rutted her? It was a most
disturbing impression. “Until that day arrives, keep your hands to yourself.” As she turned and stomped off she heard a low growl barrel from his throat.

  Quickly she scoped the area for her mom, hoping she wasn’t present. She’d only prevent Wisteria from leaving since Boar hadn’t returned home yet.

  After another modest scan of the camp she approached Ivy, who sat near the fire scooping grains from a bowl with her fingers. “I no longer have an appetite,” Wisteria whispered. “I’m going to the lake to bathe. Don’t tell Momma. I don’t want her to worry. I’ll search for Boar and Dahlia while I’m there. I won’t be gone long.”

  She didn’t wait for Ivy to respond and she headed toward the forest and darted down the path.

  She stopped beside the nest to claim Vulcan’s moccasins and noticed only one of the four eggs remained. A large crack stretched across the center. She reached forward to pick it up to examine but it rolled to the opposite side. She smiled. “Hello in there. Are you going to come out today?”

  How long did it take eggs to hatch? Didn’t they require warmth? Lying in the shaded forest on cool ground couldn’t be beneficial. She glanced at the moccasins. Would Vulcan be upset if she used them to incubate the egg?

  Just as she lifted the shell, a tiny gray head with black beady eyes popped through the crack.

  Wisteria’s jaw dropped when its little mouth opened and it squawked. A teensy mouth, full of sharp teeth. She quickly returned the egg to the nest.

  The creature had a snout and smooth head like a rhino, and scaly skin like a snake. No beak. No feathers. No soothing chirping sounds as those of a bird.

  What is it? “You’re cute, but unlike anything I’ve ever seen.” Then the remaining shell shattered and two odd-shaped, pointed wings emerged. A long tail unrolled and flopped onto the bottom of the nest.

  Wisteria gasped as blue-tinted spikes rose from its spine. It squawked again and tried to stand but it wobbled and fell onto its side. Instinctively she reached forward to help it stand upright but at the last moment quickly retracted her hand. Those teeth, no matter how small, looked capable of causing major damage. Then she noticed two stubby legs kicking into the air, each equipped with webbed feet and three talons.