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VulcansWoman Page 4

  The thought of its full-sized mom sent shivers down Wisteria’s back. She had no doubt she’d seen its wingspan yesterday and she didn’t want to be anywhere near the baby when its momma returned.

  Wisteria stood and backed away from the nest. The little creature rolled onto its belly and then it stood on its feet. Once balanced it tried walking but fell on its face and its back end and tail rose, pointing toward the treetops. “Aw, you poor little thing.”

  As much as she wanted to help, she refrained. Aside from getting bitten, she didn’t want to leave her scent for its momma. “Well, I’ll see you later,” Wisteria said then turned and ran to the lake.

  She stood on the edge and dipped her toes into the brisk water. Gooseflesh instantly rose on her arms. Normally the cold rush didn’t affect her and she would’ve plunged right in. Nor would she have hesitated to pet the little creature in the nest when it’d hatched. Oddly she felt extremely perceptive today and her senses were much sharper, as if they’d awoken from a deep slumber.

  She held her breath and forced herself to wade in knee-deep. She shivered and her teeth chattered but that response didn’t equate to the shock her private parts sustained when she walked farther into the water and they grazed the cold. Sharp prickles, as if being poked with quills, tore through her woman’s flesh. It wasn’t as painful as it was alarming but chills bristled up her spine.

  She gasped. Rather than acting on the impulse to return to shore, she submerged herself completely and swam to the deep section in the center of the lake. She swayed her arms and kicked her feet, treading water. Though faint, the slight undercurrent caused by the motion of her limbs added pressure between her thighs. That area started to throb, accompanied by the familiar ache she’d deserted in the shanty because of Sledge’s abrupt intrusion.

  Swimming a little closer to shore to where the water leveled at her chin, she set her feet on the ground and slightly spread her legs. She bit on her bottom lip and at the same time slid her hand into her lower garment. The instant her fingertips slid through her folds and grazed the sensitive bud, tingles erupted in her blood. Her breath caught. She closed her eyes and started a languid, circular massage on the nub. Small circles. Then large. Then small again. The warm moisture seeping from her body turned cold the moment it merged with the water.

  Her belly twitched. She moaned and bit harder on her lip. Then suddenly a smooth sensation brushed against her calves. Startled, she yanked her hand from her garment and peered into the lake. Loo-La was circling her legs then paused behind her to lick the back side of Wisteria’s knees. “Loo-La, you have the worst timing.” Despite the mounting frustration, Wisteria smiled. “Stop that, it tickles.”

  The snake veered toward her front side and emerged from the water, its green eyes sparkling like jewelry stones. The scales on its two heads were orange and yellow. They looked rough to the touch but were actually soft and slippery. A dark-pink band encircled its necks and a long red stripe stretched from its mouths along its twenty-foot body to the tip of its tail.

  The first time she’d seen the two-headed snake it frightened her. She’d been sitting near her tree when it emerged from the water and slithered beside her, examining her with both heads. One appeared to sniff her while the other licked her with its abrasive tongue. Its body was the width of a tree trunk and she didn’t move or breathe for fear it’d wrap around her and squeeze. For the first time she understood the Flesh Eaters’ and Mountain Slayers’ fears and she swore she’d never return to the lake again.

  To her surprise the serpent had curled up as if it were going to strike then it laid both heads on the ground near her hip. It didn’t budge and neither did she. When it finally moved it nudged her toward the lake. She thought it was going to pull her underwater but it started playfully flipping her around.

  Wisteria laughed at the memory and petted Loo-La’s heads. Just then she heard a faint squawk.

  Was she hearing things? She spun and glanced around the embankment. The creature from the nest was waddling off the path into the clearing that connected the forest to the lake. It headed toward the water, flapping it wings. It fell snout first into the grass, stood up and shook off then continued venturing forward. Wisteria giggled and watched in awe as it wiggled through rows of flowers, stopping to sniff the red petals. Once it stepped onto the embankment its talons sank in the sand. It plucked them free one at a time and drew near the water, where its beady eyes locked on her. It placed one foot into the lake then retracted it and stepped back. At least she needn’t worry it’d fall in and drown.

  “Loo-La, take me to shore.” She straddled the serpent’s back and held on to its necks while it slithered into the shallow part of the lake near the baby creature. Without removing her eyes from the little monster, she slid off Loo-La’s back into ankle-deep water.

  She’d never seen such a cute critter, but still leery of its teeth, she refused to move closer. Technically anything born in the wild was wild. “What are you doing here? Your momma is going to be so mad.”

  It tilted its head side to side.

  “You’re just a tiny…” Hmmm. What? “I don’t know what you are, but you look like a bird monster.” She squatted, crossing her arms over her knees, and rested her chin on the back side of her wrist. “Let’s call you Birmon.”

  “Don’t trust it. It may be a carnivore.”

  Wisteria froze at the sound of the masculine voice. Slowly she turned her head and glanced in the direction from where it traveled. Her insides quivered when she saw Vulcan leaning against a large tree.

  Had he seen her touching herself in the water? She gulped. Her cheeks burned and then she felt the color disappear from her face.

  “Why are you here alone again?” he asked.

  She thought it best to avoid that question. Not that it was any of his business anyway. “Are you familiar with this breed?” she asked, her voice trembling.

  Though mortified, she didn’t sway her gaze from his eyes as he moved away from the wide trunk and strode forward. No, he couldn’t have seen her in the water earlier. She would’ve spotted him when she’d looked around and found Birmon.

  Vulcan’s evenly paced stride brought him close with his arms folded at his chest. They bulged with muscle and his brows were drawn together as if he was angry. She’d seen the expression many times on her father.

  “Why didn’t you heed my advice?”

  Apparently he decided to avoid answering her question as well but that was okay. It was just a bunch of nervous chatter anyway. “I needed to bathe but none of the women were available to accompany me,” she lied, which she dreaded all the way to her toes. “And our men are forbidden to escort anyone but their wives.” That was the truth.

  He nodded once as if he understood but she could tell the response disturbed him. “Are you familiar with the breed?” she repeated, focusing her attention on Birmon.

  “No. I’ve never seen one before. Ignore it, Wisteria, and it may go away.”

  Oh her name flowed from his lips like a subtle wave. Warmth, more powerful than the sunshine, slithered through her blood. “I tried, but it followed me here from the nest.”

  “It must be fond of your scent,” he said, halting in the water directly beside her. He reached down, gently grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. “As I am,” he added, his breath bathing her face.

  She swallowed hard and had barely a second to lick her lips before his mouth descended on hers in a kiss that weakened her knees. Her nose brushed his cheek and she was blessed with his piney, calming scent. It flowed through her senses, turning her insides warm and mushy. Her legs wobbled. He wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her close to his body. Close enough that his hard manly parts dug into her tummy. Her momma explained a man’s organ turned hard when preparing to penetrate a woman’s body but she never said that hard. And it appeared too long to enter a woman without causing pain.

  As Vulcan spread her lips with his and slipped his tongue into her mouth sh
e whimpered and melded against him. She didn’t know what to do, so she copied the slow, rhythmic motions of his tongue. Kissing was better than she’d anticipated but she felt almost as naughty as when she’d rubbed herself. But she wasn’t touching herself now and the same euphoric sensation invaded her private area. Moisture oozed into her lower garment. The warmth mixing with the cold, wet strip of leather added a new type of thrill and she squeezed her thighs together to increase the effect.

  Vulcan released her lips. As he rested his chin on the top of her head his arms tightened around her waist and he tugged her closer to his chest. “You don’t know how badly I’ve regretted not kissing you yesterday when I had the chance.”

  His confession added another new thrill to her reeling emotions. “You have?” she asked. With her ear pressed against his muscular breastbone, the echo of her voice vibrated inside his chest.

  “Yes, among other things.” He stepped back and lifted her face in his palms. His gaze wandered over her lips before taking a languid stroll to her eyes. “But you’ve not yet accepted a man inside you. Am I right?”

  Heat rose to her cheeks. She swallowed, fluttering her eyelids closed, and nodded shyly.

  “Look at me, Wisteria.”

  Her lids twitched open and she peered into the most compassionate, endearing eyes she’d ever witnessed on a man. It set him inside a special place in her heart.

  “Am I right?” he repeated.


  His thumb rolled her bottom lip. “I can force myself upon you and take you against your will.”

  She gulped. “I know.”

  “As any man could.”

  Again she nodded.

  “It’s why you should never wander alone.”

  “But this lake is a safe place. Neither the Mountain Slayers nor the Flesh Eaters will come here for fear of the two-headed snake. And the Barbarians”

  “Will do what?” He smiled and her belly did a nervous flip.

  “They only come out at night,” she insisted.

  “Do they now?”


  He rolled her lower lip a second time. “It takes just one disobedient member to fall into your footsteps, Wisteria.”

  “I’m aware of that.”

  “Who am I?” He lowered his face and patted his lips against hers but didn’t break eye contact as he kissed her in between each spoken word. “From what tribe do I belong?”

  “A…a—” She paused to catch her breath. “A peace-seeking tribe much like mine.”

  “Are you sure?”

  It had to be. He was gentle and affectionate and he kissed her as though she were a delicate flower. He’d said any man could take her against her will but he hadn’t. He hadn’t even tried. That wasn’t the mannerism of a brutal tribesman.

  A faint but persistent squawk penetrated her ears. She glanced at the lake’s edge where the little creature tapped its foot on the water as if building courage to step in. She placed her fingers on Vulcan’s huge arms and took a step away. She immediately regretted the absence of his protective embrace but Birmon requested her attention at the moment. “Birmon, go home. Your momma is going to worry. I don’t want to have to answer to her.”

  “I’m sure you don’t,” Vulcan declared. “I bet she’s not as innocent or forgiving as that little guy.”

  “You think it’s a boy?”

  “I don’t know. His spikes are blue, so I think it’s a safe bet. Most birds with blue coloring are male.”

  “What if he follows me home? What will I do with him?”

  Vulcan stepped on shore but Birmon didn’t move. “Come, Wisteria.” Vulcan held out his hand. The moment she stood beside him on dry land, Birmon wobbled to her feet and lay down, pulling his wings over his head.

  “Oh no. Now what?”

  “I don’t know.” Vulcan chuckled. “What an affectionate predator.”

  Her eyes shot from the creature to Vulcan. “Where do you think he came from?”

  “Maybe they’re migrating to the warmth of our land from a colder planet.”

  She squeezed Vulcan’s hand. “I don’t know what that is.”

  “This,” he lifted his arm and gestured at their surroundings, “is a planet. There are many more in the sky.” He removed a few strands of hair from her cheek and tucked them behind her ear, allowing his fingers to linger longer than necessary, but she didn’t mind. Not at all.

  Vulcan tilted her chin and studied her eyes before pulling her against his body. She melded along his powerful chest. “I must go. I told my sister I’d be right back. My brother and one of our women are missing and I don’t want my sister to worry about me too. I’d rather…” she said through a staggered breath but her words trailed off as he lowered his mouth to hers and parted her lips.

  Her lids instinctively threatened to close but she held them open and gazed into his eyes as he skillfully toyed with her tongue. Once again her knees weakened and he tightened his arm at her waist.

  He broke the kiss and placed his lips beside her ear. “I wish we had more time,” he said, his voice a husky whisper. “I want you, Wisteria. I want to lay you down on my fur hides and make love to you until moonlight fades to sunshine.”

  “Make love?” Until moonlight fades to sunshine? That was a very long time. Her mom and dad loved each other and kissed often. Was that how they made love?

  “Ah Wisteria, you’re so innocent.” He palmed her cheeks. “You really don’t know, do you?”

  She shook her head while chewing the inside corner of her mouth.

  He smiled and his expression softened. “It’s when a man penetrates a woman’s body.”

  “We call it mating or rutting.”

  “What a secluded world you live in.”

  It was the only world she knew. The loss of eight children had forced her mother to shelter her two remaining daughters.

  “The words you use refer to the physical act of coming together. With the right person it’s about feelings and expression,” he said, running the back side of his hand along her cheek. “When I make love to you, I’m going to cherish your entire body with my mouth and my hands. I’ll leave not a part of you untouched. What we do together won’t be some cold act to reproduce. No, I can sense it will be much, much more.”

  When? Not if? Her brows lifted as a subtle shudder wiggled down her spine. “You’d not rut me?”

  “No. Rutting is for boys or men who can’t control their needs. You’re too delicate for that right now. Your first time should be with a man who isn’t woman crazy or who lacks self-discipline. Do you understand?”

  She nodded slightly.

  Another smile flashed across his face. “One day I want to show you how they vary.”

  She could only wish that were true. But one day, and soon, she’d be lying beneath Sledge while he rutted her like a beast. Knowing now to what degree a man’s organ hardened, she feared just how painful it would be.

  I’ve been promised to him. It’s my duty.

  The best thing for her was to never see Vulcan again. How cruel he’d been to create such vivid images of making love, when she’d probably only ever experience pain.

  Yes, it was best to avoid him and pretend he’d never existed. She’d accept her fate with Sledge. She already knew what to expect. She’d withstand his rutting over Vulcan’s lovemaking because she obeyed the decisions of her elders. She’d do her duty, the one her father had chosen for her. By avoiding Vulcan she’d never truly know what she’d be missing anyway.

  Damn you, Daddy. Damn you.

  She placed her hand on Vulcan’s cheek. “I must go,” she whispered then turned and walked away.


  Don’t look back. You mustn’t look back.

  She trotted to the path then ran into the forest, leaving behind the gentlest, most memorable, nonexistent man of her life.

  Chapter Four

  Wisteria sat on the ground near the fire, resting against a boulder while she
gazed at the moon. It was the first time she’d relaxed since she’d returned from the lake, having helped Momma all day and evening with chores. Actually Wisteria completed most by herself because her mom had been blinded by grief over Boar and Dahlia, and she couldn’t stay focused.

  Sure enough, the pads of Wisteria’s fingers ached from pressing the needle through the hides. She longed to work with her body jewels again. She still had a few supplies left but not many. What she’d gathered at the lake yesterday, she’d accidentally forgotten.

  She needed to find a new place to collect stones. Even if someone could accompany her to the lake she was never going back. She’d find another place to bathe. If not she’d send her brothers to fetch buckets of water. She couldn’t risk running into Vulcan.


  The nonexistent man she couldn’t forget.

  Why couldn’t she get him out of her head?

  He’d touched too many things at once, that’s why. Her mind. Heart. Emotions. It only required the sound of his voice or a subtle glance into his eyes. Being swept so easily scared her but not as much as never seeing him again. How was that possible?

  She’d give her last breath to participate, just once, in his demonstration of making love. Just once. She wasn’t asking much.

  Her belly did a smooth flip.

  She sighed and pulled her knees to her chest, forcing him from her mind with help from the twinklers in the sky.

  Other than the usual chorus of crickets, the camp was peaceful. The women put their children to sleep, so the laughter and high-pitched chatter had died.

  Wisteria’s dad returned not long ago from his hunt, lugging two dead deer and three rabbits on a wooden pull-along. The remaining clansmen gathered in the slaughter shack to help gut the kill. Momma offered to help as well and Ivy sat inside the shack where the lighting was better while she carved animal drawings on ivory pallets. Periodically a masculine, guttural laugh echoed through the darkness, reminding Wisteria she wasn’t alone.